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With Mary Armendarez

I remember always giving away my power and being scared to speak up for myself. I was constantly taking care of the needs of others while my needs were put on the back burner. I was leaking my mental and emotional energy was depressed and was full of anxiety. I wondered when my life would  improve and when I would have the things that I desired. 

Finally, I wondered when I would feel safe and secure. I realized I was judgmental, jealous and that I compared myself to others. I lacked self confidence and a belief that my life could get better. And then one day, I had a wonderful epiphany and with the help of my angels and guides, I realized that it all begins with me. I needed to change my beliefs and patterns. I learned how to release my old beliefs and patterns and learned how to fill up with self-love, self-confidence, self-courage which changed my life.

This session is definitely 

for you!

1.  You stay up all night worrying about what's going to happen in the future or that the past is going to repeat itself

2.  You are judging, jealous, and compare yourself to others

3. You are constantly repeating your old patterns that keep you stuck in life

4. You think that life can’t get better, that your dreams won’t come true

5. You are constantly over-thinking, trying to control what might  happen


"Mary guided me through situations with such patience and guidance. She also helped me with cutting energetic chords and letting go of old wounds/past hurt through light meditations and breathing exercises."


"Mary guided me through situations with such patience and guidance. She also helped me with cutting energetic chords and letting go of old wounds/past hurt through light meditations and breathing exercises."


"Mary's gentle voice puts me in a very relaxed state of mind and my entire body felt her positive energy and white light coming through. And this happened over the phone."

Julia Raider

"Mary's energy, her light, is wholesome and brilliant. She has a light that flickers like a butterfly. She is daring, she is darling , she is caring, she is a force. She dances upon the world and flowers that she touches. She is lovely."


"I received a personal meditation and let me tell you it was AMAZING! I am going through a big transition in my life and wrote that I was seeking guidance. Highly recommend if you want a meditation that caters towards your current life needs!"


"I am so grateful for this beautiful angel. She has a natural gift to heal and help people on their healing journey. Thank you Mary, Much Love!"



Mary Armendarez has been interviewed and featured in different videos and articles from the Redfin, Natural Awakenings, Belinda Womack, Nordstrom, Conscious Life Expo, Southern Bride and New Living Expo.

Not sure if you can do this? I've got a story for you...

I remember when I began to think I might actually have something to teach people about self healing.

I’d just given a talk on stage about self healing and a good friend of mine happened to be in the audience. The talk went well and afterward, we met up to chat. 

She said, “Wow, you have changed so much and you have so much confidence in yourself.”

“I wish I had confidence like you,” she told me. My friend was struggling in her family life and she hated her job.

We set a weekly phone date: one hour a week totally devoted to building her confidence and releasing her old patterns and beliefs.

After a couple of phone calls together, her confidence soared and her relationship with her family became more loving and less chaotic.  She realized she had the power within to change how she thought about herself. She was also able to find the job of her dreams.

If my friend can do this, I know you can, too. I've seen what gets results and I'd love to share it with you.

So... are you in?

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Your own will is what you need to set you free.